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Advanced Series — Miscellaneous

This last tutorial in the Advanced Series provides miscellaneous information that our development team considered to be useful for prospective developers.

Congratulations on finishing the Advanced Series. Make sure to reach out to the Komodo team to see if there are any bounties that you can fill with your new ability to create Antara Modules. And we welcome you to the Komodo ecosystem as a prepared developer. We look forward to seeing what you create.

CryptoCondition, or CCAn encoded expression, coupled with a supporting C library, that allows the Smart Chain's consensus mechanism to check several types of logical conditions based on electronic signatures and hashes
Antara moduleA collection of customized code that a developer adds into the default daemon to add unique functionality, including customized consensus rules and more
CC inputA transaction input, CC encoded. Typically spends value from a CC output
CC outputA transaction output, CC encoded
funding planThe txid of an Antara Module's initial transaction, it is the identifier for all of the Antara module's CC transactions, related to this funding plan
normal inputsInputs spending value from normal transaction outputs (not CC outputs)
normal outputsNot CC outputs, but normal transaction outputs (pubkey, pubkey hash, etc.)
OP_RETURN, opreturnA special output in a transaction that holds user and module data. The output is prepended by an OP_RETURN script opcode and therefore spending from this output is impossible
tx, txnShort for "transaction"
txidTransaction id; a hash of a transaction
unspendable addressThe global cc contract address, for which its public and private key are commonly known. This address is used for conditionally sharing funds between contract users. As the address's private key is not a secret, by default anyone can spend value from this address. However, CC validation code often applies business logic conditions and checks to ensure that only transactions that meet the given criteria are actually able to spend funds in this address
vinAn input, or an array of inputs, in a transaction structure (
voutAn output, or an array of outputs, in a transaction structure (tx.vout)

The following are useful patterns during Antara module development.

The baton pattern allows the developer to organize a single-linked list in a Smart Chain. This list is formed by transactions that spend the baton from previous transactions.

To traverse a linked list using the baton method, start with the first transaction in any plan instance and iterate through the other transactions to collect properties in their opreturns.


Add a baton to a transaction by sending a small fixed fee to a predefined output:

mtx.vout.push_back(MakeCC1vout(cp->evalcode, 10000, Mypubkey()));  // BATON_VOUT

We use the baton on the pubkey provided by the user in the -pubkey daemon parameter.

Iterate through the transactions marked with the baton:

int64_t EnumerateBatons(uint256 initialtxid)
    int64_t total = 0LL;
    int32_t vini;
    int32_t height;
    int32_t retcode;

    uint256 batontxid;
    uint256 sourcetxid = initialtxid;

    // iterate through the tx spending the baton, adding up amount from the tx opreturn

    while ((retcode = CCgetspenttxid(batontxid, vini, height, sourcetxid, BATON_VOUT)) == 0)  // find a tx which spent the baton vout
        CTransaction txBaton;
        uint256 hashBlock;
        uint8_t funcId;
        int64_t amount;

        if (GetTransaction(batontxid, txBaton, hashBlock, true) &&  // load the transaction which spent the baton
            !hashBlock.IsNull() &&                           // tx not in mempool
            txBaton.vout.size() > BATON_VOUT &&
            txBaton.vout[BATON_VOUT].nValue == 10000 &&     // check baton fee
            (funcId = DecodeOpReturn(txBaton.vout.back().scriptPubKey, amount)) != 0) // decode opreturn
             total += amount;

            // some error:

            return -1;
        sourcetxid = batontxid;
    return total;

The marker pattern is used to place a mark on all similar transactions. This is accomplished by sending a small value to a common fixed address. Typically, we use the global CC address.

You can also create either a normal marker or a CC marker for the purpose of finding transactions related to your module.

When using normal markers, there is a small problem that is easily solved. The global CC address allows any user to spend its funds, and therefore anyone can spend your marker transaction. To overcome this, use the CC SDK function, Settxids(), to retrieve all transactions with markers in the CC contract list function.

Another method is to create an unspendable CC marker. In this method, send a small value to a CC output with a well-known address. To retrieve the list of CC-marker transactions, use the CC SDK function, SetCCunspents(). This returns a list of transactions with unspent outputs for that known address.

When using the unspendable CC marker method, in the validation code you should disable spending from this address. This prevents a scenario where spending from the address causes you to lose markers. (For example, if you were to allow for spending from this address using a burn transaction, the burn transactions would take the burned markers into a hidden state, thus removing the markers from the list of initial transactions.)

In all cases, the CC module validation code should disable unauthorized attempts to spend any markers.

Concerning the method that relies on the CC marker, if the global CC address is used for storing not only the marker value, but also other funds, you need to ensure that marker values are not spent.

A code example for finding transactions marked with a normal marker:

    std::vector<std::pair<CAddressIndexKey, CAmount> > addressIndex;
    struct CCcontract_info *cp, C;
    cp = CCinit(&C, <some eval code>);
    SetCCtxids(addressIndex, cp->normaladdr, false);
    for (std::vector<std::pair<CAddressIndexKey, CAmount> >::const_iterator it = addressIndex.begin(); it != addressIndex.end(); it++) 	{
        CTransaction vintx;
        uint256 blockHash;
        if( GetTransaction(it->first.txhash, vintx, blockHash, false) ) {
            // check tx and add its txid to a list

Many other Antara modules contain examples for finding marked transactions in any CC module standard list function.

The SetCCtxids() function requires that the Smart Chain txindex launch parameter NOT be adjusted beyond the default and automatic settings.

A code example for finding transactions marked with an unspendable CC marker:

    std::vector<std::pair<CAddressIndexKey, CAmount> > addressIndex;
    struct CCcontract_info *cp, C;
    cp = CCinit(&C, <some eval code>);
    SetCCunspents(addressIndexCCMarker, cp->unspendableCCaddr, true);
    for (std::vector<std::pair<CAddressUnspentKey, CAddressUnspentValue> >::const_iterator it = addressIndexCCMarker.begin(); it != addressIndexCCMarker.end(); it++) {
        CTransaction vintx;
        uint256 blockHash;
        if( GetTransaction(it->first.txhash, vintx, hashBlock, false) ) {
            // check tx and add its txid to a list

The CCunspents() function requires the Smart Chain addressindex and spentindex launch parameters to be set to 1.

You can use the txidaddress pattern to send value to an address from which the value should never again be spent.

The function CCtxidaddr is available for creating an address that is not associated with any known private key. This function creates a public key with no private key from a transaction id.

For example, the Payments Antara Module uses CCtxidaddr to create a non-spendable txidpk from the createtxid. Furthermore, the module also uses the GetCCaddress1of2 function to create a 1of2 address from both the Payments module global pubkey and the txid-pubkey.

This allows the module to collect funds on a special CC address that is intended only for a particular type of creation transaction. Funds are sent to this address via the MakeCC1of2vout function. Only the Payments module global pubkey and txid-pubkey can successfully create transactions that can be sent to this special address.

// use Antara SDK function to create a public key from some transaction id:
CPubKey txidpk = CCtxidaddr(txidaddr, createtxid);
// create a cc vout with 1 of 2 pubkeys, one of which is txid pubkey
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeCC1of2vout(EVAL_PAYMENTS, inputsum-PAYMENTS_TXFEE, Paymentspk, txidpk));

// function AddPaymentsInputs adds inputs from the address of 1of2 pubkeys (global and txid pk) outputs to the mtx object (the function parameters are not important for now):

if ( (inputsum= AddPaymentsInputs(true,0,cp,mtx,txidpk,newamount+2*PAYMENTS_TXFEE,CC_MAXVINS/2,createtxid,lockedblocks,minrelease,blocksleft)) >= newamount+2*PAYMENTS_TXFEE )

    // Get the address for 1 of 2 pubkeys cc output (into `destaddress` variable):

    GetCCaddress1of2(cp, destaddr, Paymentspk, txidpk);

    // Set the pubkeys, address and global private key for spending the 1 of 2 pubkeys address (which also consists of the global and txid pk) in the previous transaction:

    CCaddr1of2set(cp, Paymentspk, txidpk, cp->CCpriv, destaddr);

    // Sign the transaction in the mtx variable:

    std::string rawtx = FinalizeCCTx(0, cp, mtx, mypk, PAYMENTS_TXFEE, CScript());

    // return `rawtx` to the user...

With the latest changes to the Antara SDK a developer can now add application data to a CryptoCondition output, also called a "cc opret."

This allows more flexibility in the creation of Antara Module transactions. As cc-output content is hashed and not directly readable, cc opret creates the possibility to add identification data to a cc output. This allows the developer to distinguish this vout from other vouts.

The SDK also now opens up the possibility to place any application data in cc vouts, instead of the last vout alone (as was the case previously). This allows a single transaction to have outputs of two or more Antara modules. For example, this can be useful when making swaps of values between modules.

An example of cc-opret usage can be found in the Payments Module. In this module, the vData optional parameter in the MakeCC1of2vout function is used to append the opreturn data directly to the ccvout itself. This contrasts with the old method of adding the data to an actual opreturn that is the last vout in a transaction.

std::vector<unsigned char>> opret = EncodePaymentsMergeOpRet(createtxid);  // create Antara module opreturn data

// create a public key from a transaction id as it was made in 'Txidaddress pattern':

CPubKey txidpk = CCtxidaddr(txidaddr, createtxid);

// create vData object that will be added to cc vout:

std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char>> vData = std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char>>();

// Put the opreturn into vData object:

if ( makeCCopret(opret, vData) )  {

    // pass vData object as the last parameter in MakeCC1of2vout:

    mtx.vout.push_back(MakeCC1of2vout(EVAL_PAYMENTS, inputsum-PAYMENTS_TXFEE, Paymentspk, txidpk, &vData));

// some other stuff to prepare the parameters for signing the transaction:
GetCCaddress1of2(cp, destaddr, Paymentspk, txidpk);
CCaddr1of2set(cp, Paymentspk, txidpk, cp->CCpriv, destaddr);

// sign the transaction:

rawtx = FinalizeCCTx(0, cp, mtx, mypk, PAYMENTS_TXFEE, CScript());  // use the empty last vout opreturn, we don't need it any more

The following content provides an example of using cc opret data for the identification of Antara module cc outputs. (Recall that a cc output's content is hashed, and therefore identifying a cc vout is challenging.)

Using a modification to the IsPaymentsvout function, we spend a ccvout in the Payments module back to its own address, without needing a markervout or an opreturn.

// function used to check if this is a Payments module vout

int64_t IsPaymentsvout(struct CCcontract_info *cp, const CTransaction& tx, int32_t v, char *cmpaddr, CScript &ccopret)
    char destaddr[64];

    // use getCCopret instead of the former usage of IsPayToCryptoCondition() function
// retrieve the application data from cc vout script pubkey and return it in the `ccopret` reference variable:

    if ( getCCopret(tx.vout[v].scriptPubKey, ccopret) )
        if ( Getscriptaddress(destaddr, tx.vout[v].scriptPubKey) && (cmpaddr[0] == 0 || strcmp(destaddr, cmpaddr) == 0) )

Note, that if you need to further differentiate the cc outputs in a transaction (for example, from another Antara module vouts) you may also analyze the ccopret content, specifically the eval code stored in it.

In place of the IsPayToCryptoCondition() function we can use the getCCopret() function. This latter function is a lower level of the former call, and will return any vData appended to the ccvout along with a true/false value that would otherwise be returned by the IsPayToCryptoCondition() function.

In validation, we now have a totally different transaction type than the types that are normally available. This new type allows us to have different validation paths for different ccvouts, and it allows for multiple ccvouts of different types per transaction.

if ( tx.vout.size() == 1 )

    // IsPaymentsvout returns application data in the `ccopret` variable, the returned data is checked immediately:

    if ( IsPaymentsvout(cp, tx, 0, coinaddr, ccopret) != 0 && ccopret.size() > 2 && DecodePaymentsMergeOpRet(ccopret, createtxid) == 'M' )
        fIsMerge = true;
    } else return(eval->Invalid("not enough vouts"));

On a test chain consisting of two nodes, we do not recommend that you set both nodes to mine. When there are only two nodes, a blockchain struggles more to achieve consensus, and the chain can quickly stop syncing properly. Instead, have only one node mine for the two-node test chain.

Keep the number of AddNormalInputs() function calls to one for each block of code that creates a transaction.

As an example of why we should not exceed more than one call, we can look at the FillSell() function. This function calls AddNormalInputs() two times at once. The first time the AddNormalInputs() function must add a txfee and the second time it adds coins to pay for tokens.

Let us suppose we have only two utxos in our wallet, one for 9,000,000 satoshis and another for 10,000 satoshis. In this case, when we execute the FillSell() function our large uxto is added during the first call and then we receive an error in the second call, filltx not enough utxos.

Instead, we recommend that the developer place only one I think it is always better to combine these calls into a single call.

Sometimes, a developer may find after developing a new CC module that a node cannot sync with other nodes in their test network. Executing the getpeerinfo shows fewer synced blocks than synced heads. The developer may also see errors in the console log on the malfunctioning node.

When this happens, the cause is most commonly rooted in the CC module's validation code. For example, the developer may have changed validation rules, and in so doing may have rendered old transactions invalid in the node's state.

A quick remedy in this situation is to manually delete the blockchain data on the malfunctioning node and resync the network. Old transactions should pass validation, assuming the new validation code takes their situation into account.

When resyncing the node is not a viable solution, another option is to use code logging and the gdb debug software to investigate the cause of failure.

Yet another solution, if necessary, is to setup the validation code to only be effective after a certain block height. See the following example.

if (strcmp(ASSETCHAINS_SYMBOL, "YOURCHAIN") == 0 && chainActive.Height() <= 501)
    return true;

You may also use the hidden reconsiderblock komodo-cli command to restart the malfunctioning node's syncing process at a desired block height.

If komodod hangs while executing Antara module validation code, consider that some blockchain functions use locks. The combination of your validation code and the locks could be causing deadlocks in the consensus mechanism. If this is the case, use functions that are non-locking instead.

For example, the GetTransaction() function is a locking function. Instead, use myGetTransaction() or eval->GetConfirmed().